
  • 8:00 am Car service picks you up at home
  • 10:00 am Meet at elegant board room
  • 10:30am - 12:00pm First 90 minute sprint
  • 12:00 pm-1:30pm Lunch reservation at an elegant restaurant
  • 1:30pm-3:00pm Second 90 minute sprint
  • 3:00pm-3:30pm Break
  • 3:30pm-5:00pm Third 90 minute sprint
  • 5:00pm Pick up at and head for home

First 90 minute sprint

Who are you?

Who do you go to market for?


CORE VALUES exercise


We discuss the results

An important first step in building a personal brand is finding out what you are ALREADY known for. What's the ONE word associated with you when you aren't in the room? For example: Tim Ferriss (Four Hour Work Week) Mel Robbins ( 5 Second Rule) Brene Brown (Vulnerability)

Ask six people you trust (not the 'yes' people or the people who tell you what you want to hear) These are people who will be completely honest with you. The goal of this exercise is to get clues on what you are already known for as we build your personal brand.

  • What do you see when I walk into a room? What's the first impression I make?
  • What skills can I improve to be a better ________
  • What do I do well now?
  • What can I improve on in the future?
  • What is the one word you think of when you think of me? What do you associate me with?


Let's find out who your ideal client is.

  • When you think of your competition in the space you occupy with your business, who comes to mind?
  • Who is doing what you do--really well?
  • What does your business look like when it's all grown up?

Time log exercise
Designed to help you think about pivotal, seminal moments in your life and what they all had in common?

Break your life down into 3 year increments, starting at 18. Take a look at the worksheets attached before you look at the points below

For example 18-21; 22-25; and so on, through 45-50.
Write EVENTS – things that happened-- corresponding to each time increment
For example – 18-21 graduated from college, 22-25;  got married, first job
List the theme that defined each time increment
After you reach your current age, do one segment more. 

Add events you want to happen in the following 3 years

Now here is the important part: Circle 3 – 5 pivotal moments you believe have been most critical to your success. What do they all have in common?  

Second 90 minute sprint

How Will You Show Up With Your Personal Brand?

It’s easy to write about/talk about yourself and your business when:

● You know who you are
● You know who your audience is
● You know what they need/what you can give them


  • What problem did you solve for them?
  • What kinds of problems does your ideal client have? What are their pain points?
  • What are the 6 traits of your ideal client?
  • What's going on in the headlines and how can you speak to an element of it?

Your 15 second pitch

What do you do?

What’s something about your
personality you can bring into your

Create Your Brand Positioning

• Who is your audience? What are their pain points?
• Where do you play? What is your category?
• How are you different? (why are you effing awesome?)
• What will they get? What is the payoff or benefit? (what can
you do better?)

Sentences to fill in the blank to help

With ______________________ (Some time frame: decades,
hours, oodles) of experience, I have become known for
______________________ (Stunning adjective about you or
your work: superb customer service, superior design, amazing eyebrows) and ______________________.(Another stunning adjective:
top-notch work, best-in–class content, using the force)

I’ve always wanted to ______________________ (Do-gooder sentiment: help people, shape conversation, create world peace) and I love that my job allows me to do that. But ______________________(Do-gooder sentiment again) is just one piece of the puzzle.

My clients/colleagues/customers often say that ______________________(How indispensible you are: they can’t
do it without me, they rely on me, their life means nothing without me)
and I’m proud of the amazing relationships I’ve cultivated. Many of them have worked with me for ______________________(Another time frame: years, forever, since the womb) . But of course, my work is what _______________________(Cliché positive energy statement: really
gets me going, makes me excited to wake
up in the morning, girds my loins) . One of the things that makes me a _______________________(Effusive adjective + profession: killer
attorney, passionate advocate, super
annoying sales person) is my _______________________(Process statement: attention
to detail, careful consideration,
inability to take no for an answer).

Some of my proudest moments as a _____________________ (Job title) were when I
_____________________(Major business accomplishment: Drove
$$ in revenue, handled a successful
merger, didn’t kill my boss in cold blood)

, _____________________,(Another major
accomplishment) and _____________________.(The most epic accomplishment)

Third 90 minute sprint

Go-To-Market Strategy

What medium would you ideally publish thought leadership on?

What would be the one thing you are known for?

How often would you publish?


You're done! A special gift to remember your experience.

You are SO INVESTED in me. It's truly empowering to be around you.
You are amazing and you've changed me for the better.



I had to pitch to investors and tell them who I was. Writing my bio with you this year helped boost my confidence. I understood, for the first time, how I get returns on the investments I had made.



I've had a script in my head since I was a child: "I'm not worthy. Through your line of questioning, I'm now aware. It's opened up a whole new world. I have a sense of belonging for the first time.