Do you want your company to sponsor or underwrite that Mastermind for 2024?

Many struggle to be their own best advocates when it comes to getting their company to sponsor or underwrite a personal development thing such as a Mastermind or a class.

Here I introduce a system for you to organize your thoughts and make the ask in a smart way.

It's a powerful first step for you.

As seen on

This is for you if....

  • You want your company to sponsor that public speaking workshop
  • You want your company to underwrite that Mastermind so you can build a personal brand
  • You can't afford it yourself, but see how it would be additive to your role

Who am I?

I was born to immigrant parents. When I announced to them as little girl "I want to be a news anchor," they didn't know how to support that dream.

Not emotionally. Not financially.

I left home at 18. I paid for college by myself. I paid for graduate school by myself. I paid for every move around the country to come to New York City and do what I wanted since I was 4 years old:

Become a news anchor.

I did it. But suddenly, I was thrust into a world of interviewing CEO's on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. There is a playbook for how one shows up those spaces. The small town girl from Pennsylvania in me didn't have it.

So I built it

In the absence of a playbook, the Womens' Leadership Lab to help senior women leaders and business owners to seek that next level. And EMBODY it.

I also push members way outside their comfort zone by organizing over-the-top networking adventures. Ask me more at

Brands I have worked with

You asked me questions that nobody has asked me before. For the first time, I connected the dots between my passion, which is information, and purpose, which is that information allows people the freedom to make better decisions.

- K. Manning.

I had to pitch to investors and tell them who I was. Writing my bio with you this year helped boost my confidence. I understood, for the first time, how I get returns on the investments I had made.



As an executive, I always had a big staff and a company name to stand on. Once I went out on my own, it was just me. I needed this one day intensive with you to understand what my 'personal brand' is. I needed your mastermind so I didn't 'whiteknuckle' building my own consultancy alone.

-- E. Glennon.